A.C.T Fundamental Tai Chi Chuan

A.C.T. Fundamental Tai Chi Chuan is the Canberra branch of Thai Keik Australia, an organization founded in 1979 and dedicated to teaching the entire Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan.

Our school has a proud teaching legacy. A lineage passed down from the renowned Cheng Man-Ching (鄭曼青) to Ye Xiu Ting (葉秀挺) in Malaysia, where it was taught to Tok Seng Gim (祝聖錦), Tan Khoom Ang (陳君安), who instructed and taught Eric Fitzgerald, who in turn taught Craig Wedd.

Craig Wedd teaches to preserve this strong and vibrant Tai Chi Chuan that flourished in Malaysia. Our school emphasizes the principles of technically correct practice and effective martial application of yielding and softness.

Thanks to Sifu Lun Yeung Law ( 羅倫讓 ), Principal of the Melbourne Cheng Man Ching Tai Chi Quan Study Association ( 澳大利亞墨爾本鄭子太極拳研究會 ) for help with the Chinese language, characters and names.